Hooray! Spring is finally here!
Time to pop on our spring frocks and get ready to create veggie heaven!
Does anyone else get super excited about how great their veggie patch is going to be
this season? I love planning what will go where, topping up the beds with compost and sorting through my packets of seeds.
This year I will give my seedlings enough compost, manure and worm juice. I will keep the slugs at bay with generous sprinklings of coffee grounds and we will build a fence to keep the chooks out. This summer and autumn we
will be self-sufficient for veggies... I hope!
Today we popped in some peas and beans. Potatoes, salad greens, carrots and spring onions will also start going in the ground this week.
Something I always struggle with though is starting off seedlings (tomatoes, basil, zucchini, etc) in pots and trays, in the warmth of our north windows. The seeds usually germinate okay but they either don't thrive in the potting mix, or they don't survive being transplanted into the garden.
Any tips for a good potting mix recipe? Or how to help my seedlings thrive?
Our winter veg supply is pretty much down to kale and the last of the carrots at the moment, though I'm watching with anticipation as the cabbages slowly get bigger. I've never grown cabbages before so it's quite exciting! By the time the kale runs out we should be ready to start munching through cabbages. Eight of them. Hmm...
Sadly the chooks have discovered how delicious broccoli is and have completely demolished what was left. Grrr.
Back in the pen for you girls until further chook-proofing has taken place! Job for next weekend - fence the veg patch.
Woohoo for spring!!
What did you do to celebrate the start of spring today?
You can pop over to the
Garden Share Collective hosted by Liz at Strayed from the Table for more garden inspiration.